George and Sarah, Aphrodite hills Dear Cyprus homecare I have had to put pen to paper or in this case keyboard to email to thank you for the superb work carried out in re sealing my flat roof here in Aphrodite Hills. You have fixed what others couldn’t!!!. I couldn’t believe that you went to the trouble of lifting all the water tanks, sealing off the faulty drainpipes in my walls (which have caused so much trouble in the past.) and installing new external ones. You’ve re-placed the roof equipment on heavy duty slabs so as not to pierce the new roof sealant and all done in the dreadfully hot weather Wow!!!. I know your estimate was more expensive than others but it was less then some. I feel that by not being cheap when it comes to this kind of professional work you will get a lasting job done. Can you please come next year and paint the outside of my house as I have seen the superb job you have done at the house next door Thank you again George and Sarah
